Lovely to see Bruised on this list!
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BRUISED in Teen Vogue!
Check out Bruised and ten other wonderful books featuring South Asian characters in this list in Teen Vogue!
Creating Colourful Characters Workshop
Join me in this workshop presented by The FOLD Academy, where you’ll experiment and play with developing characters who spring off the page to surprise both you and your readers (for ages 14+).
Register here. -
Upcoming Events
Feb. 22 – Bolen Books Instagram Take-Over! Check out Bolen’s IG stories for a sneak-peek into my writing and teaching life. Copies of Bruised will be given away, too!
Feb. 25 – Words in the Burbs co-hosted by Western Sky Books (reading and Q&A, plus writing sprint). Register here.
April-May – Festival of Literary Diversity appearances as a panelist and Teen Writer in Residence. Stay tuned for more info.
What is Fierce Fiction?
Check out my guest blog post on the ever-wonderful Learn Writing Essentials site!
Bruised Cover Reveal!
Check out the cover design for my upcoming YA novel, Bruised (Spring 2021, Simon & Schuster) as well as more cover reveals for books out next spring! Artwork by Rik Lee, design by Sarah Creech.
Upcoming Events for Fall
Please join me at one of these fall events!
Sept. 19 – Word Vancouver Panel: Mentorship in the Writing Process
Oct. 16 – North Vancouver City Library: Writing Workshop for Teens
Oct. 18 – Whistler Writers Festival: Writing for Teens Workshop
Oct. 21 – Vancouver Writers Festival: YA Authors Panel (Moderating)
An Interview with Brown Girl Magazine
“Tanya Boteju’s debut novel, ‘Kings, Queens, and In-Betweens’ popped into my inbox via an unexpected source: my Sri Lankan grandmother. While my grandmother sends me plenty of emails, it’s not often that she sends me a book about a queer, mixed-race teenager who finds her voice (and herself) with the guidance of drag queens.”
What a delight to be interviewed by Nicole Pereira for Brown Girl Magazine–and to be recommended by her Sri Lankan grandmother even more delightful!
April 19: Book Things & Drag Things…Live with Tanya Boteju & Rose Butch
Join me and Vancouver’s own spectacular Drag Thing, Rose Butch, for an Instagram Live event on Sunday, April 19, 7pm PST. We’ll be chatting about books, writing, and drag! Tanya will also share a sneak-peak of her new book, Bruised (Spring 2021, Simon & Schuster). Follow @tanyabotejuauthorpageon Facebook or @tboteju on Instagram for updates. Submit questions beforehand here if you like! The event will be hosted by Simon & Schuster Canada’s instagram account: @simonschusterca -
Kings included on The Rainbow Book List for 2020!
The Rainbow Book List is a curated bibliography highlighting books with significant gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning content, aimed at children and youth from birth to age 18. This list is intended to aid youth and those working with youth in selecting high-quality books published in the United States of America between July 1, 2018 and December 31, 2019.
The committee evaluated over 550 books and selected 92 titles. Kings is one of them! 🕺🏾