Check out Xtra’s lovely little video of me as part of their “Inspired” series! Feeling blessed to be given this opportunity.
Author: Tanya Boteju
Publisher’s Weekly Review of Kings: “Satisfying”
PW loves Deidre and so do I. I also do love a good, thick, small town feel. 🙂 Read PW’s review here!
29 YA Books for the Spring (According to Buzzfeed)!
Any of these “29 YA Books You Absolutely Must Read This Spring” on your reading list?
Kings makes Refinery29’s “11 Books We Can’t Wait To Read This Spring” List!
Check out Refinery29’s fabu list of books they’re excited about. Feeling blessed to be included!
Kirkus Reviews Kings, Queens, and In-Betweens!
This just in from Kirkus reviews (Note: There are drag KINGS in the book too, Kirkus. But I love that they specified Nima’s Sri Lankan background!)!
An Interview with a Past Student: Artemis Saatchi
How lucky am I to have a past student pursuing creative writing and including me in their journey? UBC creative writing student Artemis Saatchi asks me a few questions!
American Booksellers Association Winter Institute Welcomes Its Indies Introduce Authors
Had the most wonderful time with booksellers and incredible authors at this year’s ABA Winter Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico as part of the Indies Introduce program. I attended my very first book signing–a milestone! So lucky to have such an amazing team from Simon & Schuster and Simon Pulse to guide me through this exciting process. And we’re all blessed to have so many committed, passionate indie booksellers in the world.